Friday, April 1, 2016

Nature Poem

Crack! Down goes the tree 
The tree smiles at me sweetly 
And I smile back

Insult Poem

Your face looks like a pig 
I think you wear a wig 
You're so fat 
You look like a cat

You have bags under your eyes 
and they call you thunder thighs 
Your hair looks like wires 
Because you are a liar 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Adventure and The Lost Map

The Adventure and The Lost Map
Madison Bailey 
January 1, 2016

It was 4:00 am, and I had to get up and get ready so I could go to the airport so I could leave for my research project in the Kom Kom jungle.

“Hey mom I'm almost ready to go to the airport” said Michele

“Okay maybe you should pack another map just in case” said Mom

“No mom I don’t need to do that I will be fine.” said Michele

We arrived at the airport and I get out, my mom has to walk me to security but she can’t go through with me. She stays behind and watches me go through and then she leaves  After a long plane ride and a hot taxi ride I have finally made it to my destination, The Kom Kom jungle. I thank

the taxi man with a thank you and then I am on my way into the jungle.

I am in the jungle it is becoming night and I need to make a place to sleep in a tree. I gather up a lot of branches and twigs and other things. It is now morning and I am ready to leave the tree house. I can't find my map. I searched all over the place; in my bag and on the ground. It might have fallen and I didn’t see it at all.

“Omg I can’t find my map what am I going to do?” I said to myself as I was walking through the Kom Kom jungle.

Two months passed and I am ready to go home. All I have done is search for my map. I want to sleep in my own bed.

“I should have listened to my mom and packed another map and not thought that I only needed one” I said to myself.

Over the next few days I made a tiny little friend that likes to hang out with me on my shoulder. I have been alone for so long that I let the little monkey hang out with me. One day I was hanging out with him and he showed me his habitat where he usually hangs out. We climb to the top of his tree.

“Wow this is so cool” I said to the monkey.

“ooo aaa” said the monkey back to me.  

In his tree he had this cool paper but he would never let me see it. I tried to find every way possible to look at that piece of paper but he would always catch me trying to get. One afternoon he was off doing something and I grabbed the paper.

“It’s my map!” I yelled.

I finally got my map and I'm ready to get out of the jungle and go home   

I finally got my map and I'm ready to get out of the jungle. I also meet a friend and asked, “could you drive me to the nearest town so that I could catch a taxi and then I could get to the airport?” “Then I can finally get home.”  Before I left I had to say  goodbye to my little friend the monkey. He gave me the saddest face of all so I couldn’t leave the little guy behind. I picked him up and I was ready to leave for the airport. I arrived at the airport and I got on the plane. It was a long flight home and I was exhausted. My mom was surprised to see the monkey but she let me keep him. We had other pets at our house and he would blend in with the others.



Friday, January 8, 2016


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